Wolfram webMathematica™ Professional License Agreement

This is a binding Agreement: read all terms; retain a copy.

The terms and conditions of this License Agreement are subject to change without notice from time to time at our sole discretion. We will notify You of amendments to these terms and conditions by posting them at https://www.wolfram.com/legal/agreements/wolfram-webmathematica.

The Wolfram Terms of Use, available at https://www.wolfram.com/legal/terms/wolfram, is hereby incorporated by reference. By accepting this Agreement, You agree to be bound by the Wolfram Terms of Use.

Carefully read the following terms and conditions before accessing, installing or using the Software. By clicking "I agree", opening the media container, downloading the Product or installing/using the Product, You are consenting to be bound by this Wolfram webMathematica Professional License Agreement ("Agreement"). If You are not willing to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You may not access, copy, install or use the Product, and shall uninstall/remove/destroy any additional or already installed copies of the Product.


WRI: Wolfram Research, Inc., 100 Trade Center Drive, Champaign, IL 61820-7237, USA.

You: The individual or organization obtaining the Product. If You agree to these terms on behalf of an organization, You represent to WRI that You are authorized to accept these terms on the organization's behalf.

Software: The computer programs provided by WRI under this Agreement, known as webMathematica.

Product: All the materials, including the Software, provided by WRI under this Agreement.

Public Internet Site: Refers to a publicly accessible website hosted or created by You.

Private Internet Site: Refers to a publicly accessible website hosted or created by You that places restrictions or additional requirements, other than free registration, on access. This includes sites that charge subscription fees, as well as sites that only allow access to select groups, such as Your employees, affiliates or customers.

Intranet Site: Refers to a website located on a secure computer network owned or leased by You, which may only be accessed by Your employees, affiliates or contractors. This includes any site that has controlled access via a password (or other equivalent verification method) that is not publicly accessible.

Sites: When appearing alone, refers to all Intranet Sites, Public Internet Sites and Private Internet Sites hosted or created by You.

Users: People who access Your Sites.

Interface: The means by which Users of Your Sites convey information or send requests to the Software, including but not limited to web browsers, Java programs or other software.


WRI is the sole owner of the Product with the exception of the portions licensed by WRI from third-party owners. WRI is the holder of the Intellectual Property Rights in the Product, including, without limitation, such aspects of the Software as its code, structure, sequence, organization, "look and feel", programming language and compilations of command names, descriptors and data. Use of the Product, unless pursuant to the terms of a license granted by WRI or as otherwise authorized by law, is an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. When publishing academic or research papers for which the Product was used, the Product should be appropriately cited as a reference and/or described in a methods section. Notwithstanding the obligation to provide acknowledgment stated above, no other right to use the names, marks or other distinctions of the Product or WRI is granted.

General Use and Restrictions

Subject to Your acceptance of and compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Mathematica License Agreement, and any relevant Site License, WRI grants You a non-exclusive license to use the Software to integrate Mathematica and the Wolfram Language into one or more specific-use Sites by linking Your Interface to the Software.

The term of this license is set forth in the relevant Site License or License Certificate, and the expiration date is listed on the applicable License Certificate.

This license terminates in the event that You receive a license to use an upgraded version of the Software in place of this license, which upgrade, as well as any other improvement, enhancement or the like, WRI is under no obligation to provide.

A Site that delivers Mathematica itself to Users is prohibited by this Agreement. This Agreement allows You to present to Users specific or derivative capabilities of Mathematica through an Interface specialized for the use of those capabilities, so long as the content is not that of the Mathematica user experience itself.

Specific Use Restrictions and Site Requirements

You may not create a Site in which Users can type in arbitrary, open-ended calculation requests, in any syntax or means of specification, and have those requests carried out by the Software. In addition, You may not aggregate multiple Sites with incremental functionality in order to re-create the Mathematica user experience or any significant portion thereof. In other words, You may not offer Your Users through multiple Sites a level of functionality that would violate this Agreement if offered through a single Site. In no event may You allow Users to bypass such restrictions or otherwise access the Software directly.

You may not replicate, in whole or in part, the "look and feel" of Mathematica with Your Interface(s). Your Interface(s) may not be composed of a combination of visual, design or functional elements that could reasonably be expected to cause confusion between Mathematica and Your Interface(s) among Users of Your Site(s). The criteria for assessing compliance with this restriction will be set and applied at WRI's sole discretion. WRI agrees to exercise that discretion reasonably.

Within sixty (60) days of executing this Agreement, You agree to provide WRI with the name(s) of the manager, systems administrator and/or webmaster responsible for monitoring or maintaining any Site that utilizes the license granted by this Agreement. You will provide telephone numbers and email addresses for each such person. It is Your responsibility to ensure that this information is updated; the supplying of this information and its accuracy are conditions for maintaining the ongoing validity of this Agreement.

Inspection of Public Internet Sites, Private Internet Sites and Intranet Sites

When a Site becomes available to Users, You agree to notify WRI of the URL or IP address of that Site as soon as possible after the Site "goes live".

WRI reserves the right to determine at any time during the term of this Agreement, based on inspection of Your Public Sites, Private Sites and/or Intranet Sites, whether a particular Site is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. If WRI determines that a Site is not in compliance, whether through flaws in intent, design or implementation, WRI will suggest remedies to bring that Site into compliance with this Agreement. In the event that a nonconforming Site remains nonconforming after WRI has allowed a reasonable amount of time to permit You to implement appropriate remedies, WRI reserves the right to terminate this Agreement with ten (10) days' notice to You.

You agree that ongoing operation of an unlicensed or nonconforming Site would cause WRI irreparable harm. You agree to, at WRI's request, render inaccessible any Site covered by this Agreement whose compliance is subject to dispute or legal action, for the duration of the dispute. In consideration thereof, if such a Site is ultimately found to be conforming or is made to conform, WRI will extend the duration of any time-limited license or service contract by the amount of time that Your affected Site was rendered inaccessible to Users, regardless of the status of the Agreement.

You agree to work with WRI to allow access to Your secure system(s) or network(s) to the extent necessary to accomplish the limited purpose of assessing the compliance of Private Internet Sites and/or Intranet Sites covered by the Agreement. You and WRI agree to make suitable arrangements to meet this requirement in a way that will avoid possible inconvenience to Users, and to minimize exposure of any confidential information. At Your discretion, WRI will consider entering into reasonable nondisclosure agreement(s) with You prior to accessing Your secure system(s) or network(s). In no event, however, will You refuse WRI access to Your secure system(s) or network(s) for the purpose of assessing compliance for more than seven (7) days after WRI's request. Failure to comply with this requirement may, at WRI's discretion and in addition to any other remedies available to WRI, result in termination of this Agreement.

In the event that inspection of Your Private Internet Sites and/or Intranet Sites by WRI is impossible due to operation of law or overriding security considerations, You agree to provide a detailed outline of such Sites that provides sufficient technical information and descriptive data to allow assessment of their compliance status by WRI. You also agree to provide WRI with an explanation of, and evidence to support, Your assertion that inspection is impossible. If WRI thereafter discovers that the Private Internet Sites and/or Intranet Sites are not functionally identical to the outline provided, the Agreement may be terminated immediately.

Online Services and Data

Certain Product functionality may require the Software to access collections of data available through external servers. WRI makes no warranty that access to such data will be uninterrupted or that the data itself will be error free. WRI reserves the right to restrict access to, add, update, modify or remove collections of data based on availability, Your service subscription or otherwise at WRI's discretion. You agree all data access and use shall be limited per the Specific Use Restrictions above, and agree not to access or use data collections in such a manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the servers providing such data. You agree to only access collections of data through the intended Software interface. Data provided through WRI's online services constitutes protected intellectual property and may not be copied, distributed, used to construct a database, stored (in whole or in part) in databases for access by You or any User or other third party, or provided or distributed through any database services containing all or part of such data. Access to the online services is provided to You at WRI's discretion, and may be terminated or restricted at any time.

Wolfram|Alpha ® : Some Product functionality allows You to access Wolfram|Alpha data from within the Software. In addition to the general Online Services and Data terms and restrictions listed above, data and other results obtained through the Wolfram|Alpha functionality are subject to the Wolfram|Alpha Terms of Use at https://www.wolframalpha.com/termsofuse. Your use of this functionality indicates Your acceptance of these terms.

Wolfram Cloud : Some Product functionality allows You to access the Wolfram Cloud from within the Software. In addition to being subject to the general Online Services and Data terms and restrictions, as well as the Wolfram|Alpha Terms of Use, the Wolfram Cloud service is subject to the Wolfram Terms of Use at https://www.wolfram.com/legal/terms/wolfram. Your use of this functionality indicates Your acceptance of these terms.

Proprietary Rights

This Agreement does not grant You any right, title or interest in any intellectual property rights embodied in or associated with Mathematica or the Software, nor any right to copy, modify, loan, lease or sublicense the Software. Under no circumstances may You decompile the object code portion of the Software to a source code version.

You agree that lending, renting, sublicensing, decompiling or otherwise allowing unauthorized copying, alteration or use of the Software, whether or not such unauthorized use is intended or reasonably foreseeable, shall constitute contributory infringement of WRI's proprietary rights, including copyright and trade secret rights.

Limited Warranty and Disclaimer

WRI warrants that the Product shall be free from defects in the physical or download media for a period of ninety (90) days following the date of purchase when used under normal conditions. You acknowledge that WRI shall provide, as Your sole remedy for breach of this warranty, another copy of the physical media. The foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied.

WRI does not warrant that the Product is free from all errors and/or omissions, and in fact it may contain them. Except as specifically set forth above, the Product is provided "as is". WRI makes no representations or warranties, express, statutory or implied, with respect to the Product or the Software or data accessed thereby, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, interoperability or fitness for a particular purpose, all of which are expressly disclaimed. WRI does not warrant that the functions contained in the Product will meet Your requirements or that the operation of the Product will be uninterrupted or error free.

WRI, and its agents, representatives and independent contractors, shall not be obligated to provide or liable, under any circumstances, for providing information on or corrections to errors and/or omissions discovered at any time in the Product, whether or not they were aware of the errors and/or omissions. WRI does not recommend the use of the Product for applications in which errors and/or omissions could threaten life, injury or significant loss. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so this may not apply to You. This warranty gives You specific legal rights, and You may also have other rights that vary from state to state. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Illinois in the United States of America without effect to any choice of law provisions.

Limited Damages

In no event shall WRI or its agents, representatives and independent contractors be liable for any lost profits, lost use, lost benefits or any consequential, indirect, incidental, special or punitive damages, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. WRI's cumulative liability to You or any other party for any loss or damages resulting from any claims, demands, actions or otherwise arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the license fee paid for the Product. Some states do not allow certain limitations of damages, so the above limitations may not apply to You.

United States Federal Government Restricted Rights

If this Software is acquired by or on behalf of the US federal government, this provision applies. Use, duplication or disclosure of this Software is subject to restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 and DFAR 227.7200–227.7202-4, as applicable. The Software is "commercial computer software" and is licensed with only "Restricted Rights".

General Provisions

You may not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without prior written approval from WRI.

All notices required under this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices to Wolfram must be sent via certified mail to the address set forth in the Definitions above, or such other address as Wolfram may subsequently designate to You. Notices will be considered received eight (8) days after date of mailing.

Wolfram Mathematica and Mathematica are registered trademarks, and webMathematica and Wolfram Cloud are trademarks, of Wolfram Research, Inc. Wolfram|Alpha is a registered trademark of Wolfram Alpha LLC.

Important details regarding Your use of webMathematica Professional in accordance with the terms of the Agreement are listed on Your License Certificate.

Wolfram takes privacy and data protection seriously, and is committed to safeguarding data You share with us. To learn more, please see our Privacy Policy at https://www.wolfram.com/legal/privacy/wolfram.