(ngpf) research fair credit reporting act web quest

NGPF Activity Bank Managing Credit RESEARCH: Fair Credit Reporting Act Web Quest Use the internet to find credible answers to the following questions on the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). For each answer, be sure to cite your source with the name of the website you used. Here are a few sources to get you started: ● A Summary of Your Rights under FCRA, Experian ● FCRA: A Guide to Your Rights, CreditCards.com ● Fair Credit Reporting Act, Debt.org ● What You Should Know About the FCRA, About Money 1. There are three main credit reporting bureaus -- Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. How frequently can you request and receive a free credit report from each bureau? once every 12 months 2. Give 5 examples of people or organizations who can request to see YOUR credit report. Landlords Insurance companies Employers Government agencies Car insurance companies 3. What is the maximum .
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